User-agent: Mediapartners-Google* Disallow: Trucks World News: Study - USA - Trucking Restriction Makes Roads Safer

Jun 29, 2006

Study - USA - Trucking Restriction Makes Roads Safer

According to a new study, when trucks are kept out of the fast lanes of area highways, safety increases...

Dallas,TX,USA -CBS 11 News, by Jack Fink -Jun 26, 2006: -- Currently the rule is in place on Interstate-20, between I-45 in Dallas and Cedar Ridge Drive in Duncanville, and on I-30, between Collins Street in Arlington and Hulen Street in Fort Worth. The Regional Transportation Council began the fast lane restrictions on trucks last August. Now, the rules are here to stay and most truckers hate them... But the study shows otherwise. On I-20 in Dallas County, where the study took place, the number of truck involved crashes has dropped. Before the study the area used to have one crash every two weeks. Since the restrictions the instances have been reduced to one wreck every three to three and a half weeks...


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