User-agent: Mediapartners-Google* Disallow: Trucks World News: EcoNews - USA - Sweeping air pollution plan proposed for LA/Long Beach ports

Jun 30, 2006

EcoNews - USA - Sweeping air pollution plan proposed for LA/Long Beach ports

LOS ANGELES.CAL,USA -San Jose Mercury News/Associated Press -Jun. 29, 2006: -- Truck, ship and cargo-handling equipment pollutants would be reduced 50 percent in five years under a clear air proposal for the Long Beach and Los Angeles harbors... Cleaner vehicles and shore-side electrical outlets so vessels can shut down diesel engines while dockside are key elements of the plan unveiled Wednesday... Proposals also include retrofitting and replacing cargo-handling equipment and locomotives... The Port of Los Angeles committed $177 million and Long Beach $181 million to put the anti-pollution measures into place. The regional South Coast Air Quality Management District pledged $36 million for the conversion of older diesel trucks... But $1.6 billion is still needed...


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