Biodiesel - USA - Enginemakers greenlight B20 test standard
JEFFERSON CITY, Mo.,USA -Today's Trucking -26 June 2006: --They're coming around. While all heavy-duty engine makers currently approve a five percent blend (B5) of bio- and petro-diesel in their products, the Engine Manufacturers Association (EMA) has just approved a test spec for a 20 percent blend (B20). This paves the way for testing to begin with fuel having consistent properties and quality, which will hasten the approval of a B20 blend... Current EMA specifications require that the pure biodiesel (B100) meets the ASTM International standard D6751 or the European EN14214 standard prior to blending, but until now, there has been no standard for blended fuel. Still, EMA stresses that the recently approved testing specification is not an approved national standard...
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