User-agent: Mediapartners-Google* Disallow: Trucks World News: Traffic - USA - Worst Cities For

Feb 7, 2006

Traffic - USA - Worst Cities For

NEW YORK,NY,USA -Forbes -7 Feb 2006: -- The worst traffic in the U.S. is getting even worse. It pollutes as the vehicles idle. It wastes the time of trucks and passenger cars. The annual delay per driver is in excess of 47 hours per year. It creates delayed shipments. It wastes over 2.3 billion gallons of fuel each year... The cost of U.S. traffic delays is conservatively, according to the Texas Transportation Institute, $63.1 billion a year based on 2003 figures. And it's not getting any better... The cities having the worst traffic problems are (by the reckoning of the Texas Transportation Institute): 1. Los Angeles, Long Beach, Santa Ana, Calif. 2. San Francisco, Oakland, Calif. 3. Washington, D.C. 4. Atlanta, Ga. 5. Houston, Tex. 6. Dallas, Fort Worth, Arlington, Tex. 7. Chicago, Ill. 8. Detroit, Mich. 9. Riverside, San Bernardino, Calif. 9. Orlando, Fla. 11. San Jose, Calif. 12. San Diego, Calif... Given the existing levels of expenditure on these roads and city infrastructures, all that's foreseeable is much more of the same. Can these problems be solved? Yes, but its takes incisive planning, political agreement, commitment from the top and earnest follow-through execution by all...


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