User-agent: Mediapartners-Google* Disallow: Trucks World News: History - USA - Since the 1956 Highway Bill, It's Been 50 Years On a Fast Track

Jan 13, 2006

History - USA - Since the 1956 Highway Bill, It's Been 50 Years On a Fast Track

Pioneering legislation set stage to build and fund America's Interstates
USA - Engineering News Records, by Scott Lewis -16 Jan 2006: -- The birth of America's Interstate highway system in 1956 had a contentious and drawn out gestation. But today's 42,795-mile transportation marvel owes its development to the vision and determination of a quintessential American, Dwight D. Eisenhower... Most state highways in the 1940's were two lanes. Only a handful of divided highways existed. Highway death rates were more than four times higher on a per mile traveled basis than today... The first U.S. toll road was the Pennsylvania Turnpike, which opened in 1940, followed in the post-war years by others in Illinois, Ohio, New Jersey, Indiana and Massachusetts. These four or six-lane divided highways, with limited access, flatter curves, and lower grades were thoroughbreds by comparison. Many of their design features were inspired by Germany's Autobahn, which was constructed in the 1930s... (Photo: Catalyst. Eisenhower’s 1919 cross-country convoy sparked the idea of an Interstate system. photo courtesy of the eisenhower library)


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