User-agent: Mediapartners-Google* Disallow: Trucks World News: HOS Study - USA - Penn State study finds risk higher for truckers in 11th-hour

Nov 16, 2005

HOS Study - USA - Penn State study finds risk higher for truckers in 11th-hour

University Park, Pa.,USA -PennState Live -16 Nov 2005: -- The crash risk for truck drivers in the last hour of a now legal 11-hour day behind the wheel is more than three times higher than during the first hour, a Penn State research team has found... For 60 years, federal rules limited truckers to driving 10 consecutive hours. However, in January 2004, the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration raised the limit to 11 hours and reaffirmed the change in October this year... Paul Jovanis, professor of civil engineering who led the Penn State study, says, "Our analysis of data from three national trucking companies during normal operations in 2004 shows that the crash risk is statistically similar for the first six hours of driving and then increases in significant steps thereafter. The 11th hour has a crash risk more than three times the first hour."


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