TechnoNews - USA - The key to fresh water: Imitation spleen proteins
BURLINGAME, Cal,USA -CNET News/ZDNet NewsBy Michael Kanellos -Oct 24, 2005: -- The human spleen doesn't get a lot of good press, but the Electronic Power Research Institute has come up with a spleen-inspired molecule that could expand the world's water supply... EPRI's MagMolecules are designer molecules that can extract specific contaminants from water. .. The firm is testing one molecule that can remove radioactive materials, such as cesium, from the water that circulates inside nuclear power plants, said Clark Gellings, vice president of innovation at EPRI... The MagMolecule technology also could greatly reduce the amount of radioactive waste from nuclear plants, according to EPRO. At present, evaporation is used to extract solid waste from water used at the plant. Though the solids can have radioactive material inside, the amount that can be extracted through evaporation is often miniscule...
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