User-agent: Mediapartners-Google* Disallow: Trucks World News: Dark/GreenNews - USA - Bluewater Takes On Toyota's "Green" Rep

Oct 25, 2005

Dark/GreenNews - USA - Bluewater Takes On Toyota's "Green" Rep

USA -Detroit Free Press/The Car Connection -24 Oct 2005: -- An environmental organization that has attacked Ford for not reaching environmental goals is turning its gunsights on Toyota... A report says that Bluewater Network, a San Francisco-based nonprofit, is running ads in publications from Mother Jones to the New York Times, claiming that Toyota's newer hybrids don't improve on the mileage of their gas-engined counterparts and that Toyota is fighting tougher emissions regulations... Toyota, Bluewater says, had the best fuel economy in the industry 20 years ago and has worsened dramatically since then. The Highlander and RX400h hybrids don't produce better real-world fuel economy than the standard version... The Japanese automaker's big expansion into trucks has evaporated its fuel-economy leadership and has led Toyota to join other automakers in fighting tougher fuel-economy standards, Bluewater adds...


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