User-agent: Mediapartners-Google* Disallow: Trucks World News: Study - USA - Finds semis pay as little as 40% of the cost to fix damage, ease congestion they cause

Oct 19, 2005

Study - USA - Finds semis pay as little as 40% of the cost to fix damage, ease congestion they cause

Road to Ruin

LANSING,Detroit,MI,USA -The Detroit News by Gary Heinlein -Oct 16, 2005: -- A study by the federal government suggests Michiganians are paying a heavy price for letting trucks that weigh as much as 82 tons drive on state highways... The report, by the Federal Highway Administration, says the heaviest trucks on the nation's roads pay as little as 40 percent of the cost to repair the damage and ease the congestion they cause... As many as 15,000 trucks could be added to the 300,000 on Michigan roads if the state lowers its load limits to 40 tons...


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