EcoNews - Japan - Ecological Cars Highlight Tokyo Auto Show
CHIBA, Japan -CBS News/AP -Oct. 19, 2005: -- The overriding message at the Show, is that gas-guzzlers must make way for green cars that pollute less and rely less on shrinking supplies of fossil fuels...a preview of the show's offerings of experimental ecological cars galore, including a vehicle that switches back and forth between an electric motor and a hydrogen-powered engine from Mazda Motor Corp. and a fuel cell small car from Suzuki Motor Corp... Hybrid vehicles deliver a cleaner ride and reduce greenhouse emissions by switching back and forth between different powertrains, such as an electric motor and gasoline engine...Sanyo, estimates annual production of hybrid vehicles may increase to 3 million worldwide by 2010, or 7 percent of the 44 million passenger-car market. Annual hybrid production now totals less than half a million...Toyota Motor Corp., is showing an even more advanced hybrid called Fine-X, which is powered by an electric battery and a pollution-free hydrogen fuel cell... GM is displaying its Sequel fuel-cell concept vehicle...
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