User-agent: Mediapartners-Google* Disallow: Trucks World News: Business - USA - Trucking shortage causing hassles for local firms

Oct 17, 2005

Business - USA - Trucking shortage causing hassles for local firms

Greensboro, NC,USA -The Business Journal, by Michelle Cater Rash -Oct 14, 2005: -- The Triad's trucking and logistics industry, a hub for the Southeast, has been struggling lately to fullfil client orders to get goods to market... While a scarcity of drivers and rising gas prices have created a tight trucking market for months, industry experts say Hurricanes Katrina and Rita have made matters worse, with federal relief agencies paying top dollar for trucks so they can ship supplies to the Gulf Coast... To make matters worse, increased demand, combined with increased fuel costs, is pushing up trucking costs. That in turn is forcing some smaller trucking companies out of business, because they can no longer afford to operate... Most freight brokerages -- companies like Epes Logistics that match customers with available truck space -- depend on small trucking companies. The disappearance of these firms has created a gap in the local trucking market... But right now, the biggest reason for the trucking problem may be Mother Nature. After both hurricanes Katrina and Rita, the Federal Emergency Management Agency hired hundreds of trucks to haul supplies to the Gulf Coast. Trucking industry sources say FEMA actually pays more for the use of trucks than private industry, so many companies have eagerly made trucks available...


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