User-agent: Mediapartners-Google* Disallow: Trucks World News: EcoNews - USA - Port of Los Angeles Announces Shift Toward Air Quality

Oct 14, 2005

EcoNews - USA - Port of Los Angeles Announces Shift Toward Air Quality

Improvement Initiatives Powered by Natural Gas, Electricity and Alternative Fuels

SAN PEDRO, Calif.,USA -BUSINESS WIRE -Oct. 12, 2005 -- $20 Million in current budget year funding will now be used for purchasing non-diesel line haul trucks and cargo handling equipment... Port of Los Angeles harbor commissioners today were briefed on a new plan to repurpose two of the Port's major air quality improvement initiatives in pursuit of purchasing road haul trucks and in-port cargo handling equipment that run on Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG), Compressed Natural Gas (CNG), electric power and other alternative fuel sources (as available), such as hydrogen fuel cells and bio fuels...


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