User-agent: Mediapartners-Google* Disallow: Trucks World News: Testing - USA - In shift, DHS chooses cluster plan for Customs system tests

Oct 14, 2005

Testing - USA - In shift, DHS chooses cluster plan for Customs system tests

Washington DC,USA -Government Computer News, by Wilson P. Dizard III -14 Oct 2005: -- The Homeland Security Department’s Customs and Border Protection agency has decided to expand testing of its automated manifest system for trucks crossing the border in clusters around the country, in a measured approach to rolling out a key part of the massive Automated Commercial Environment virtual border system. CBP said it chose the cluster strategy to boost efficiency and centralize training. The agency added that the test would later be expanded to include ACE’s commercial trucking participants at all land border ports, and eventually will include all modes of transportation. CBP said in a Federal Register notice issued today that it had chosen to expand the truck manifest test system from its initial pilot site of Blaine, Wash., to seven ports in Michigan this month...


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