User-agent: Mediapartners-Google* Disallow: Trucks World News: Banned - UK - Trucks Banned from Overtaking

Oct 5, 2005

Banned - UK - Trucks Banned from Overtaking

UK -Reuters -4 Oct, 2005: -- In a three-month trial, trucks will be banned from overtaking on a three-mile stretch of the M42 in the West Midlands... Trucks over 7.5 tonnes will have to stay on the inside lane on the two-lane stretch between junctions 10 and 11. The idea is that road capacity will increase as one truck will no longer be able to spend hundreds of metres inching past a slower vehicle. As so many trucks are now speed limited, speed differentials can be tiny, leading to long queues as car drivers wait for the overtaking truck to pull back in to the inside lane...


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