Cutting - USA - Jobs bank is at risk
Delphi tries to cut program that pays laid-off workers
Detroit,Mich,USA -Detroit Free Press, by MICHAEL ELLIS -Sept 7, 2005: -- It's a cost only Detroit's car companies and largest parts supplier face -- guaranteed wages and benefits paid to employees even when they are not working -- and one that Delphi Corp. is now trying to eliminate... Since 1984, the three major automakers have agreed to pay some UAW workers 100% of their wages and benefits during production downtime, with the expectation that business would pick up and the employees would eventually return to work... The jobs bank is also a major cost for the three Detroit automakers, particularly GM. According to a Free Press survey in January, GM had about 3,500 workers in the jobs bank, but that figure likely has risen with the closure or idling of the assembly plants in Lansing, Baltimore and Linden, N.J., this year. A GM spokesman declined to specify how many workers are in the program...
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