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Sep 6, 2005

Costs - USA - Trucking industry hit hard

CHATTANOOGA, Tenn,USA -Times Dispatch/Associated Press -Sep 3, 2005: -- Diesel fuel supplies were tight this week because of Hurricane Katrina, but even truckers who had no problem filling up were paying higher prices... A trucking industry spokesman said the price of diesel -- up to 60 cents more per gallon lately -- will increase the cost of shipping goods, and that will likely eventually be passed to consumers... "I think it's safe to assume there will be some ripple effect," said Bob Costello, chief economist for the American Trucking Associations... But when fuel costs jump so quickly it is "very hard to recapture that money," said... Major trucking companies typically use surcharges to pass along some of the higher fuel costs, but independent owner-operators suffer the pinch of such increases themselves...

WAUSAU, Wis,USA -Duluth News Tribune, by ROBERT IMRIE/Associated Press -Sep. 02, 2005: -- The dramatic rise in diesel fuel prices in the wake of Hurricane Katrina this week will put some Wisconsin trucking companies out of business, an industry leader predicted Friday... "In the long run as an industry, we will adapt to it," said Tom Howells, President of the 1,250-member Wisconsin Motor Carriers Association. "What worries me is that every time there is that fluctuation, you lose some companies. It just does them in and they can't keep up"...


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