User-agent: Mediapartners-Google* Disallow: Trucks World News: Alternatives - USA - To gas price pain

Sep 7, 2005

Alternatives - USA - To gas price pain

Atlanta,Geo.,USA -The Atlanta Journal-Constitution, by KEVIN DUFFY -09/07/05: -- A local company is building a business around the idea that drivers are fed up with paying $3 a gallon for gas... Kits designed by Hybrid Fuel Systems in Peachtree City allow owners of conventional vehicles to use a cheaper fuel. The propane kit is for unleaded vehicles; natural gas works with diesel. The big selling point today is cost: Alternative fuels are one-third cheaper... Hybrid's kits, installed, cost from $5,600 for a light vehicle to $20,000 for a heavy-duty truck. The conversion is too pricey for most families, but a fleet service vehicle traveling 100 miles a day can see payback in as little as two years... Unleaded vehicles using the propane system run automatically on the alternative fuel or by flipping a switch. A digital display indicates fuel level. If the propane runs out, the vehicle switches to unleaded...


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