Technology - India - ‘Tracking trucks only a swipe away’
Changing with a simple magnetic-swipe-card-based technology.
India -Economic Times, by VINAY PANDEY -AUG 11 2005: -- Despite rapid modernisation in communication and information systems, Indian transport industry continues to work in the old-fashioned way. Once a truck departs with a consignment, no one knows its whereabouts till it reaches the destination. VI eTrans, a company promoted by Bharat Petroleum, along with others, is working to change the way transportation industry gathers and manages information, through a simple magnetic-swipe-card-based technology... "Currently about 1,000 trucks are using GPS/GSM technology. The problem with these technologies is that the trucker is not actively involved. In many cases, truck drivers themselves disable the system. Even in the US, only about 15-20per cent transporters use GPS, the rest are using phones"...
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Several Republican governors are trying to weaken state-employee unions, one of organized labor's last strongholds.
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