User-agent: Mediapartners-Google* Disallow: Trucks World News: Nightly - USA - Program Moves Nearly 30 Percent of Port Traffic During OffPeak Shift

Aug 16, 2005

Nightly - USA - Program Moves Nearly 30 Percent of Port Traffic During OffPeak Shift

PierPASS Exceeds Expectations in First Two Weeks; Relieving Traffic and Port Congestion
LONG BEACH, Calif.,USA -BUSINESS WIRE -Aug. 11 2005: -- PierPASS Inc. announced heavy usage during the first two weeks of the OffPeak program, which established night and Saturday shifts at the Ports of Los Angeles and Long Beach to relieve congestion in and around the ports... Prior to OffPeak's launch on July 23, PierPASS had set a goal of moving 15 to 20 percent of cargo during OffPeak shifts after the first 12 months of operation. But during the first two weeks of the program, OffPeak shifts were typically handling nearly 30 percent of daily cargo traffic, more than 88,000 truck trips were shifted out peak-hour traffic during the program's first two weeks, resulting in a noticeable reduction in congestion during peak traffic times on freeways leading to the ports, and relieving congestion inside the terminals...


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