JOBS - CANADA - Trucking in for long haul
"You can make a good living, but you have to work darn hard at it."
Alberta,Canadá -The Edmonton Sun, by Steven Sandor -30 July 2005: -- As Alberta's economy surges, so does the need to transport goods in and out of the province. Problem is, there isn't a new, young generation of truck drivers to take the place of the old guard... Scared off by long hours, high fuel prices and insurance costs, young Albertans aren't flocking towards trucking as a viable career option... Oldfield said he'd like to fill the slots up with owner/operators, drivers who own and maintain their own trucks... a truck, which can be expected to run in the neighbourhood of $100,000. If a down payment of $25,000 is made, payments could range for $2,000-$3,000 a month. And maintenance costs must also be figured into the equation... Oldfield said a driver doing the company's Texas run can clear in the neighbourhood of $9,000 a month - so, for someone still paying off a truck, to make a decent living, considering the cap on fuel... Hours of service regulations limit a driver's time behind the wheel to 70 hours within an eight-day period. Drivers can expect to work to the limit, says Oldfield...
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