User-agent: Mediapartners-Google* Disallow: Trucks World News: Jobs - Australia - Is it possible to go to Australia and drive trucks?

Aug 2, 2005

Jobs - Australia - Is it possible to go to Australia and drive trucks?

Re: Truckers over the world (brothers?)
USA - Google Groups / misc.transport.trucking, by Alpha -19 jul 2005: -- Is it possible to go to Australia and drive trucks? Do you have to get all that testing again?...
James no you cannot come down here and drive trucks:
1. you drive on the wrong side of the road.
2. this action would scare all the decent sorts " sheila's"
3. after scaring all the sorts the blokes would fill you in.
4. you don't want to be filled in.
5. the roo's are everywhere.
6. our trucks have the steering wheel on the wrong side.
7. our beer is twice as strong as yours.
8. the above means you would be to pissed to drive.
9. you attract terrorists.
10. everyone hates American's you know that.


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