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Mar 30, 2005


Alabama,USA - Press release - March,2005: -- Alabama has seen several serious events in recent months involving 18 wheelers and large trucks:... * A tanker-truck explosion that destroyed the I-20 bridge in Birmingham... * An 18-wheeler that lost its cargo, a 45,000-pound industrial drive shaft , and tore two holes in the I-65 bridge in Hoover... * The 18-wheel cattle truck that overturned along I-10 in Mobile, killing the driver of another vehicle... * Over the years, too many people have been seriously injured or killed in crashes involving 18 wheelers and large trucks. Why does this continue to happen? OUR MISSION: We must do everything that we can to prevent other tragedies such as these...


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Truckers should be given a raise! I am a interstate driver and know that in this industry is struggling. It is almost imposible for motor carriers, as well as owner operators to make a profit. The cost of fuel, taxes, parts and mechanic labor rates, and other related expences are extremely high, while the shippers freight rates pay low, causing more and more drivers to work the extra hours to make a living. It is not uncommon to put is a 60 to 70 hour work week for myself, and almost every other Class A driver, and there are times when I wish I just would have stayed home. But once you hit the road, and you are scheduled to make that delivery you are forced to run hard, like it or not. The receivers of the freight are generally rude and anoyed by most truck drivers. The general population of motorist have no idea how these big trucks handle and continue to make unsafe decisions in their driving practices.
It is realy not that hard to figure out this problem we are having. I encourage you to take a ride for 2-3 months with an interstate driver, sleep in the truck, driver the truck, basically live on the road and just deal with it. Bring you laptop with your spreadsheet and processor, take notes, and a calculator to do the math, and you then will believe. If you are serious about helping our road be safer place you should start here, involving DOT and the top officials of saftey appointed by the President Bush Himself.
I know it is hard for you to believe a driver with just a high school diploma, and I'm sure you have College Degree which promotes your enthusiasm, but you will never know, I will never know everything there is to know about driving a big truck. Even the most experienced drivers, that have been driving 30 years or more learn something new everyday.
This is my conclusion of how to help:
1. Decrease the amount of hours a driver is allowed to work. In order to do this, the government needs to regulate this expence, stepping in to control oil cost to industry. Or, try a mandated shipping rate so that it is possible to make revenue, even on the worst load. By doing this, the driver will make a living and not just drive around for the fun of it. Basically, find a way to give us a raise so we won't need to run as hard to stay afloat and have more time to rest.
2. Educate all common drivers on how to handle their vehicles around a big rig:
Lets face it, there are drivers that will drive 85-90mph on a regular basis, and those that will only go 50-55. The varience in speed is a major killer in these roads. Trucks and all other vehicles sould have the same speed limits and poeple need to stop cutting off, or jumping in front of an 80,000 pound truck just so they can see better. For example, I will drive from LA to Salt Lake, and in the course of this trip I will be cut off aroun 13-20 times, why, I don't know?
Well, I hope this helps, I only wish I could help more before I lose my home because I have no money. See ya on the road 10 feet from my front bumper.....

12:48 PM  

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