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Mar 22, 2005

ENVIROMENTAL ACTIVISM - USA - distorted message from Union of Concerned Scientists?

Clearing the Air about Cars and Trucks
Richfield,OH,USA -Tech Central Station,by Robert Balling -21 March 2005: -- The environmental activist group Union of Concerned Scientists has launched an attack on the auto industry blaming it for contributing to smog and "global warming pollution"... IT'S CORRECT: * in noting that a major portion of smog-forming chemicals comes from burning gasoline in our fleet of vehicles...
* that burning fossil fuels in vehicles produces carbon dioxide and indeed, carbon dioxide traps heat and contributes to the greenhouse effect and global warming...
* that carbon dioxide emitted from American vehicles is contributing to global warming...
Scientists throughout the world concede that even if the Kyoto Protocol magically stabilized global emissions to 1990 levels, we would never be able to detect its climate impact. Similarly, the American fleet could totally vanish, and its climate impact would never be detectable... These facts fly in the face of the latest distorted message coming from the Union of Concerned Scientists...


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