“A car for the President” ... * Russia
* Russia - Marussia and CarDesign.ru reveal concepts for new car for President Putin

Moscow,Russia -Gizmag, by David Szondy - February 25, 2013: -- It appears that Russian President, Vladimir Putin, doesn’t like his car...
Tired of seeing Russian officials being carted about in Mercedes and BMWs, Mr. Putin ordered that a Russian domestic limousine be designed to replace them...
Unfortunately, according to the Moscow Times, Mr. Putin apparently didn’t much care for the Zil-4112P that Russian car maker Zil came up with, and told them to have another go...
Seeing a chance to get in on the action, car rivals GAZ and Marussia Motors are jumping into the game with Marussia and CarDesign.ru teaming up for a public competition to find “A car for the President” ...
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