User-agent: Mediapartners-Google* Disallow: Trucks World News: FRONTLINE COMM. * USA: Special trucks maker

Jul 28, 2016

FRONTLINE COMM. * USA: Special trucks maker

* Florida - Frontline Communications trucks on scene of major events

--- For decades and many more years to come, you can say nearly every television news story -- starts here... In the middle of an industrial park in unincorporated Clearwater, is the largest manufacturer of broadcast and mobile command vehicles in the world... From the Pulse Nightclub shooting to the political conventions, everything you watch is either produced in or protected from trucks manufactured in Pinellas County... Today, broadcast news trucks make up around half of business, the rest comes from government agencies around the world. On the assembly line today, several command center trucks that can cost over $2 million dollars, are being built, for LAX, the City of Baltimore, and one is even set to be delivered to the Mesa, Arizona, Fire Department... Frontline at its Clearwater location, manufactures 250 trucks per year. Broadcast trucks typically take 90-120 days to produce while the more-sophisticated command centers take an entire year...
 (WTSP photo - Frontline Communicaitons of unincorporated Clearwater is the largest manufacturer of broadcast and mobile command vehicles in the world) Clearwater, Pinellas County, FL - WTSP, by Jonathan Petramala - July 26, 2016



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