User-agent: Mediapartners-Google* Disallow: Trucks World News: TRUCK CRASHES * USA: Decreases in 2014

Apr 21, 2016

TRUCK CRASHES * USA: Decreases in 2014

* DC - Fatal truck crashes decrease 5 percent in 2014

-- While the number of large trucks involved in fatal crashes is on the decline, big rig mishaps are injuring more people and damaging more property, the federal government said... Traffic fatalities involving large trucks dipped 5 percent to 3,921 in 2014 compared to the prior year, according to the latest data from the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration... The rate in which large trucks were part of a fatal crash declined 6 percent per 100 million miles to 1.43 from 1.34 during the same period, the government said... But the number of large trucks involved in injury crashes increased by 21 percent to 88,000. Crashes only involving property damage rose by an even faster 31 percent to 346,000 during the same period... 
 (Photo: Adobe/sezer66 - Semi Truck Crash Flipped on Road) -- Washington, DC, USA - Trucks, by CARINA OCKEDAH - April 19, 2016



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