User-agent: Mediapartners-Google* Disallow: Trucks World News: MINIMUM RATES FOR PORT TRUCKERS * Canada: Lawsuit

Feb 17, 2016


* BC - Companies claim government wrongfully turning back time on

-- A group of trucking companies is taking the British Columbia container trucking commissioner and the B.C. government to court, claiming they were shut out of discussions that resulted in new minimum rates being retroactively applied for port trucking services as part of a review designed to quell the labour disruption at the ports in early 2014... The companies claim that the Container Trucking Act and other regulations don’t authorize the establishment of minimum rates that apply to trucking services provided before the act came into force. The spat began when both unionized and non-unionized truckers withdrew services to the ports in February 2014... The trucking companies seek declarations that the Container Trucking Act doesn’t authorize retroactive application of minimum rates for services provided before the act was implemented, and that certain sections of the Container Trucking Regulation are void... The petition has not been tested or proven in court and the respondents hadn’t filed a response by press time...
 (Photo: Container trucks leaving Port Metro Vancouver: the port's container traffic is projected to triple by 2030) -- Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada - Business Vancouver - 16 Feb 2016

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