User-agent: Mediapartners-Google* Disallow: Trucks World News: AMAZON's OWN TRUCKS FLEET * USA: Trucking confront it

Jan 28, 2016

AMAZON's OWN TRUCKS FLEET * USA: Trucking confront it

* New York - Trucking Companies confront Amazon threat

-- Amazon’s purchase of branded trailers marks its foray into trucking, but carriers say they can still count on the company’s business... Trucking executives say they still expect growing business from Inc., even as the company takes steps to move some of its own freight... The Seattle retailer said in December it would roll out thousands of branded semi-trucks, one of several recent moves by the company to take more control of its shipping routes. The announcement sent shudders through the trucking industry, which ships millions of packages a day between Amazon distribution centers and the warehouses belonging to home-delivery carriers such as FedEx Corp. and United Parcel Service Inc... On Tuesday, two of the largest U.S. trucking companies brushed off the potential threat from the e-commerce giant saying there was plenty of freight to go around... Amazon and others want to reserve trucks on the fly, as the location of their customers in relation to the goods they purchase can be unpredictable... 

Comment by Desiree Wood, President REAL Women in Trucking, Inc.: Covenant Transport operates student team fleets that are very unsafe and exploit lower socio-economic individuals. This business model can be compared to an Indentured Servitude operation. Swift is also a student fleet of lower than minimum wage workers with very minimal experience. Team driving students are huge risk to the motoring public and since these mega fleets are self-insured their crash statistics are not available. As a former employee of Covenant Transport who saw the volume of student crashes that go unreported to mainstream media I think Amazon has made an irresponsible choice to partner with this kind of meat-grinder carrier... 
(Photo from ASSOCIATED PRESS: Amazon recently launched its own branded truck fleet)  --   NY,USA - The WSJ, by Loretta Chao - 26 Jan 2016



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