TRUCKERS' PAYMENT * USA: ... * Paying drivers' waiting at terminals - ** Paying bonus
* California - LA / LB turn times improving, but truckers want even better
-- The average time to complete a trucking transaction at Los Angeles-Long Beach port complex in July fell by four minutes from the prior month, but no one is celebrating... Even though the average turn time fell to 89 minutes, down from 93 minutes in June, the Harbor Trucking Association of Southern California says turn times at marine terminals must get back down to 60 minutes if the harbor is to operate efficiently. Shorter truck times aren’t just needed for brisker supply chains, but also to keep drayage drivers serving the largest North American container gateway from parking their rigs and finding jobs elsewhere... Numbers published by the HTA for July indicate that the 13 container terminals in Los Angeles-Long Beach are recovering from the congestion that has been plaguing the largest U.S. port complex for more than a year now, but truck visits are still much longer than they were in early 2014, when turn times were 60 to 70 minutes... HTA Executive Director Weston LaBar said, that if there is a silver lining in the less-than-acceptable average turn times in the harbor, it is that many retailers and other shippers, anxious to retain truck capacity, have agreed to pay driver waiting time at the terminals...
LA, CAL, USA - J.O.C., by Bill Mongelluzzo - Aug 13, 2015
* Alabama - Boyd Bros. adds seasonal bonus for driver
-- Alabama-based carrier Boyd Brothers Transportation is now paying drivers a seasonal bonus. All company drivers, as of Aug. 1, received the 2 cents per mile increase, if they are paid per mile... Drivers will be able to make up to 56 cents per mile. Company drivers who are paid by percentage will receive a 1% increase, the company said... “We want to offer this seasonal bonus to our drivers because business is going very well for Boyd Bros.,” said Dwight Basset, CFO. “Our drivers are our life blood and while business is strong, we think that they need to participate in the opportunities of stronger freight patterns” ...
Clayton, ALA, USA - Fleet Owner - Aug 17, 2015
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