User-agent: Mediapartners-Google* Disallow: Trucks World News: STOP MANDATE * USA - Engine damage caused by BIODIESEL: Grungy, gummed up parts, filters and engine blocks

May 12, 2015

STOP MANDATE * USA - Engine damage caused by BIODIESEL: Grungy, gummed up parts, filters and engine blocks

* Minnesota - Car and truck groups gear up to stop  biofuel mandate

-- Minnesota has long been considered part of Midwestern flyover country. Now the North Star state is becoming drive-over country, among truckers and other drivers of diesel vehicles... The state’s 10 percent biodiesel mandate is propelling some to go out of their way to refuel in bordering states — and a federal lawsuit to eliminate the nation’s highest required bio-diesel blend... “I think biodiesel is good for America, but it’s bad for my car. I just spent all this money on this car,” said Chris Winger... Winger’s concerns are part of a lawsuit filed in U.S. District Court in Minneapolis by a broad coalition of state and national transportation groups from the Minnesota Trucking Association to the American Petroleum Institute...  Automobile dealers, truckers, refineries and car manufacturers seek to eliminate the nation’s highest biodiesel mandate that stipulates only B-10 can be sold from April to October... The case claims B-10 harms both consumers and businesses through increased maintenance costs and legal liability for damage to vehicles. The mandate also undercuts the flexibility given to producers in blending biodiesel under the national renewable fuels standard, according to court documents... Several photos submitted by Mercedes-Benz Research and Development for North America depict alleged engine damage caused by biodiesel — grungy, gummed up parts, filters and engine blocks... Several industries receive an exemption from the biodiesel mandate, including nuclear plants, trains, mining, logging and some boats... As for diesel truck and car drivers? They’re already looking down the pike to 2018, when Minnesota plans to double down and impose a B-20 mandate — unless the federal court orders a detour...
(Photo from MN Automobile Dealers Association - DOWN AND DIRTY: Several photos in the court file show the impact on vehicles, which are mostly designed and warranted to run on up to 5 percent biodiesel)   --  Minneapolis, MINN, USA - Watchdog Minnesota Bureau, by Tom Steward - May 11, 2015

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