User-agent: Mediapartners-Google* Disallow: Trucks World News: INFRASTRUCTURES * USA: "Work on road bill"

Mar 19, 2015

INFRASTRUCTURES * USA: "Work on road bill"

* DC - Not trade agenda, 4 Democrats tell Obama

 -- Rep. Tim Ryan, D-Ohio, and three colleagues in the House, Monday sent a letter to President Barack Obama urging the president to focus on passing a multi-year highway bill before pushing his trade agenda... “There are 70,000 bridges in the United States that are considered to be structurally deficient,” Ryan said in a statement issued by his office. “This is an opportunity to put hundreds of thousands of Americans back to work to improve our country’s infrastructure. There is no doubt it will cost more if we wait. This should be President Obama’s priority — and needs to be completed instead of a controversial and damaging trade agreement” ... 
Washington,DC,USA -The Trucker - 17 March 2015

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