User-agent: Mediapartners-Google* Disallow: Trucks World News: FUEL SAVING * USA: “Strong federal standards”, for heavy-duty truck fuel economy

Mar 13, 2015

FUEL SAVING * USA: “Strong federal standards”, for heavy-duty truck fuel economy

* Massachusetts - Scientist-activists call for 40% improvement in truck fuel economy

-- Citing “years of non-regulation and slow investment,” the Union of Concerned Scientists has called for “strong federal standards” for heavy-duty truck fuel economy, with a goal of cutting fuel consumption by at least 40%... The push, dubbed “Engines for Change,” was launched Wednesday and focuses on a 24-page report which details the amount of fuel used by trucks to move freight and specifically to haul consumer goods, along with the savings that would be generated for both consumers and truckers by developing more fuel efficient vehicles... The report recognizes that fuel savings are very important to commercial fleets, but insists that “a key reason” truck fuel economy hasn’t improved since the 1970s is the lack of a regulatory mandate... Truck, engine and trailer makers weighed in as well, with most pointing to the difficulty of developing a rule to address such a varied and complex industry as trucking... Volvo Group even pointed out that congestion mitigation, smart highway systems, permitting longer combination vehicles, improved shipping logistics and packaging would substantially reduce truck fuel consumption... Cambridge, MASS, USA - Fleet Owner, by Kevin Jones - Mar 12, 2015



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