User-agent: Mediapartners-Google* Disallow: Trucks World News: AUTONOMOUS TRUCKS * UK: The latest to join ? University of Oxford

Feb 16, 2015

AUTONOMOUS TRUCKS * UK: The latest to join ? University of Oxford

* England - The name? Wildcat

-- The purpose? Well... money. Oh, and road safety. And a future with no traffic congestion. Here’s how everything happened... BAE Systems, a military gear maker from Bristol, spent about five years and over one million pounds ($1.5 million) in research and development to create what they dubbed Wildcat. The multi-million pounds, driverless vehicle is a 4x4 off-roader manufactured by Bowler, which later was modified by the company’s engineers. It was then donated to the Department of Engineering Science of Oxford University... Wildcat is equipped with computer controlled steering servos, an extra braking system and a hotline into the vehicle’s engine management system for speed control. In addition, wireless data links, GPS and laser ranging sensors were installed so that the vehicle could receive instructions, navigate and avoid hitting obstacles... The self-driving car competition is getting hotter by the day !!! ... (Photo: A Oxford Universitys self driving truck, built by military gear maker BAE Systems) Bristol, EN, UK -Autoevolucion, by IONUT UNGUREANU -13TH FEBRUARY 2015

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