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Oct 28, 2014


* California - Traffic at Los Angeles Ports backed up for 2 weeks, threatens holiday season

(Photo: Delays For Los Angeles Ports) 
Los Angeles,CAL,USA -The Los Angeles Times -26 Oct 2014: -- Mirroring the legendary reputation of terrible Los Angeles traffic, a bottleneck has caused a two-week delay at the twin ports of Los Angeles and Long Beach in LA county. The harbor traffic could create problems for retail outlets during the holiday shopping season... The pre-holiday surge of cargo for retailers like Wal-Mart, JC Penney, Macy’s, and Kohl’s has always been a busy time of year, but it’s made worse this year by the use of massive container ships. These larger vessels can be up to one-third larger than Los Angeles and Long Beach ports have the capacity to handle. The root of the problem, though, is likely due to a shortage of trucking equipment... Over the last year, third-party leasing companies have taken over the management of trucking equipment for the Los Angeles and Long Beach ports. For decades before that, trailers were owned by the shipping lines. The uneven management of the trailers is causing shortages in some terminals and mile-long congestion in others. Compounding the inefficiency and delay, truckers sometimes have to make multiple trips before finally locating an available trailer. The leasing companies disagree with this assessment, and insist that the massive container ships and a shortage of truck drivers is to blame... The Los Angeles and Long Beach ports process 40 percent of imports to the United States (of A.). Other ports across the country are seeing delays but none quite this bad...

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