User-agent: Mediapartners-Google* Disallow: Trucks World News: TRUCKING TROUBLES * USA: California Ports, loading times totaling three to four hours

Oct 21, 2014

TRUCKING TROUBLES * USA: California Ports, loading times totaling three to four hours

* California - Harbor Trucking Association warns LA-LB, Oakland of legal action

(Photo: Loaded trucks at Los Angeles Port)
Los Angeles,CAL,USA -J.O.C., by Corianne Egan -Oct 20, 2014: -- The Harbor Trucking Association will explore the possibility of filing a class action lawsuit against terminal operators at the ports of Los Angeles, Long Beach and Oakland as congestion worsens at the California ports, the association announced today... In three identical letters sent to the ports of Los Angeles, Long Beach and Oakland by the HTA, the association says it is seeking legal counsel to investigate a potential lawsuit contending that the provisions of the Uniform Intermodal Interchange and Facilities Access Agreement and several state regulations regarding equipment return, notification and gate hours violate the Business Standards and Practices Code... For example, HTA Executive Director Alex Cherin told that terminals are no longer taking empty containers, but are charging a per diem when truckers don’t return chassis. Truckers have nowhere to put empties, and therefore can’t return chassis, creating a virtual catch-22 with truckers on the losing end... September data shows the situation has deteriorated, with nearly 25 percent of all visits taking over two hours and many totaling three to four hours, the HTA said... Port officials have said chassis shortages and dislocations are the root cause of the congestion. The Long Beach Harbor Commission is currently undertaking a 30-day study that could result in the port purchasing thousands of chassis and hiring an entity to distribute and track them...



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