TRUCKING INDUSTRY * USA - Air quality regulators give truckers more time to meet smog standards
* California - Air Resources Board extends deadline for diesel trucks to cut emissions and comply with strict pollution rules.

Los Angeles,CAL,USA -Los Angeles Times, by Tony Barboza -April 25, 2014: -- A day after hearing hours of impassioned testimony from a divided trucking industry, California air quality regulators on Friday postponed deadlines for aging heavy-duty trucks to comply with the nation's toughest diesel air pollution rules... The action by the state Air Resources Board will give small fleets, lightly used trucks and those operating in rural areas more time to upgrade to newer, cleaner models or install filters to remove soot from their exhaust... Officials say the changes will slow pollution cuts for several years but still allow the state to reach its goal of cutting diesel emissions 85% by 2020... Air Resources Board officials said about 80% of trucks in the state are in compliance with clean-air rules. Some truckers who spoke at the hearing said that estimate seemed too high and called for stronger enforcement...
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