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Jun 1, 2012


* DC - Strict teen driver laws cut deaths - Study: 500 lives may be saved if all states adopt toughest rules 

Washington,DC,USA -The Detroit News, by David Shepardson -May 31, 2012: -- States could cut teen crash deaths by as much as 50 percent if they toughened license requirements for young drivers, a study released today finds... The Insurance Institute for Highway Safety — an industry group that works to reduce road crashes — says, if every state adopted all five components of the toughest young driver laws in the nation, more than 500 lives could be saved and more than 9,500 collisions could be prevented each year... A dozen states could halve or more than halve their rate of fatal crashes among 15- to 17-year-olds if they adopted the strongest graduated driver licensing provisions... The five key components are permit age, practice driving hours, license age, and night driving and teen passenger restrictions...



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