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Feb 23, 2012


* Belgium - Smart road charging test changes mobility behavior in

Leuven,Belgium -Fleet Europe, by Steven Schoefs -15 Feb 2012: -- The city of Leuven in Belgium, and a consortium of companies including IBM, NXP, Touring, Mobistar, Magic View, NSL and Transport and Mobility Leuven (TML), presented the results of the pilot project "Smart Mobility". Two years ago, the consortium introduced the technology that enables national, regional or local government to guide their mobility policy. During a test project, where drivers were fictively charged for the use of their car, there was a change in the mobility behaviour. The test results show that a smart road charging changes the mobility behaviour of users, reduces traffic congestion and that the government can use this system to guide and adjust its mobility policy... Over half of the drivers improved their personal behaviour by opting to drive cheaper. But three-quarters of them relapsed after the road charging was suspended. All subjects together drove 5% less on local roads during peak periods, and in total about 60% of the time they drove during off peak periods. The test persons also thought about alternative forms of transport such as cycling or public transport and when possible they tried to avoid the rush hours on the road...



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