User-agent: Mediapartners-Google* Disallow: Trucks World News: GAS PRICES * USA - Study Realtors Confirm: Are Changing U.S. Housing Demand

May 24, 2011

GAS PRICES * USA - Study Realtors Confirm: Are Changing U.S. Housing Demand

Are you considering moving, and do gas prices have something to do with it? Or did gas prices have a role in your last move?

New York,NY,USA -The Car Connection/Nielsen Wire; Coldwell Banker via Consumerist -21 May 2011: -- The word is already out that Americans would probably be healthier (and probably a lot happier) if we had shorter daily commutes... Now it seems that the cost pressure of rising gas prices could be forcing us to do just that—rethink where we're living. If a new survey of real-estate professionals is any indication, American home shoppers are thinking more than ever about shorter driving distances and being closer to shops and services... The Coldwell Banker study found that of the 56 percent of professionals who said that more home buyers are interested in urban situations, 93 percent said that shorter commutes play a role and 81 percent thought that the desire to cut gasoline spending was a factor...

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