User-agent: Mediapartners-Google* Disallow: Trucks World News: TRUCKS SAFETY * Australia - Mulder tests technology to prevent truck-train collisions

Apr 7, 2011

TRUCKS SAFETY * Australia - Mulder tests technology to prevent truck-train collisions

The radio break-in collision warning system, which notifies drivers of approaching trains at level crossings, is the first of its kind in Australia

Melbourne,VIC,Australia -ATN -April 5, 2011: -- An innovative level crossing warning system to prevent collisions between trains and vehicles was tested in Victoria over the weekend... The test involved the use of a 26-metre, 60-tonne B-double truck and a locomotive at two level crossings at Yendon... The technology works by fitting a radio transmitter to a vehicle or train, or to roadside infrastructure such as a railway level crossing, which broadcasts a local signal... Small receiver units are fitted to vehicles and a warning message is played over the vehicles’ sound system. The technology also enables a warning message to be delivered to a driver even if a vehicles’ sound system is switched off... Victorian Transport Minister, Terry Mulder, says the system can also be used to warn of approaching emergency vehicles...    (Photo from ABC TV News: Witnesses say the driver of the southbound Sunlander passenger service blew the train's whistle moments before the train hit the garbage truck)



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