User-agent: Mediapartners-Google* Disallow: Trucks World News: ALTERNATIVE FUELS * USA - Renewed interest in natural gas as fuel prices soar

Apr 13, 2011

ALTERNATIVE FUELS * USA - Renewed interest in natural gas as fuel prices soar

Dallas,TX,USA -Land Line Magazine, by Clarissa Kell-Holland -April 12, 2011: -- When fuel prices soared to above $5 per gallon three years ago, Texas billionaire, T. Boone Pickens, unveiled his plan aimed at curbing the country’s dependence on foreign oil by switching to liquefied natural gas as an alternative fuel source...  Later, when fuel prices dropped, so did momentum for the Pickens Plan as a domestic fuel source to power the transportation industry...  However, as fuel prices again soar above $4 per gallon, there is a renewed effort to support the use of natural gas. On Wednesday, April 13, Pickens and U.S. lawmakers plan to attend an event in Washington, DC, to educate the public about the importance of natural gas-powered vehicles, including heavy trucks, sponsored by the Natural Gas Vehicles for America organization...  A bill designed to wean the U.S. from its dependence on foreign oil was introduced in the U.S. House on April 6. The bill, which promotes the purchase and production of natural gas-powered vehicles, has gained bipartisan support and 133 cosponsors... (Photo from treehugger: UPS natural gas)



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