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Jan 9, 2011

TRAILER MAKERS * Belgium - All market figures 'Trailer' in 2010

Registrations of semi-trailers fell 3.64% in 2010 compared to 2009

Brussels,Belgium -Truck Business, by Claude Yvens -7 Jan 2011: ... The market is therefore remained at a very low level after its fall from 52.2% last year. An upswing in registrations, however, has shown from the end of summer, but has not yet allowed to return to a market growth year over year... They are always two Belgian brands that dominate the ranking, defeating Van Hool this time lag had known it is true that 2009 unique (in terms of market share that is). Van Hool offered even a touch over 15% market share. Behind the two leaders, there is the return of two of the three "great Germans', as Schmitz Cargobull and Krone back to pretty much market share they owned before the crisis began... The loser is then Renders, which not only n'immatricule more than two-thirds of its volume last year, but also loses more than 2.5 points of market share and saw the gap grow with the Top 4. At the same time, Turbo's Hoet progresses, and we note especially the large increase in registrations from the German System Trailers, who moved into the Top 10 in just two years...

* UK - Yodel orders 100 new Cheetah Fastback trailers

Broadheath,Altrincham,Cheshire,UK -Transport Engineer, by Brian Tinham -5 Jan 2011: -- Cartwright has commenced delivery of the first of 100 trailers for parcels brand Yodel, created following Home Delivery Network's purchase of DHL Express's domestic arm... The trailers are all Cartwright's latest generation Cheetah Fastback, with updated side skirts and aerodynamic rear roof profile – pulled by DAF CF tractor units... Brian Wheadon, Yodel's support services director, says he was impressed by the appearance and environmental credentials of these trailers...



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