User-agent: Mediapartners-Google* Disallow: Trucks World News: DRIVERS' SHORTAGE * USA - High-paying jobs found in trucking industry

Oct 27, 2010

DRIVERS' SHORTAGE * USA - High-paying jobs found in trucking industry

Houston,TX,USA -KTRK, by Tom Abrahams -October 27, 2010: -- Day after day and night after night, stories of unemployment and the bad economy dominate headlines. This story is not one of them. There's an industry where employers can't find enough people to hire for high-paying jobs... Tristan Worell is searching for the right path, and he hopes he's found it behind the wheel of a truck... "Going over the road, exploring different states, cities," Worell said... It's not been an easy road for Worrell, who went straight out of college and straight into unemployment... Drivers can make anywhere from $40,000 to $80,000 a year driving Class A trucks... Worell, in fact, already has a job. He got hired by Schneider Trucking, and they sent him, along with Padilla and others, to HCC to learn the skills and pass the tests. Then they can hit the road... It's an industry that may tell us better times are just around the bend...



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