Oakville,ONT,CAN -Truck News /Hooked Up, by James Menzies -29 June 2010:...Federal regulators in the US and Canada are taking notice of the sleep disorder and its potential impact on highway safety. Mandatory testing and treatment is almost certainly coming...Dave Johnson of Praxair shared results from his company's own sleep apnea driver treatment program. The company's HR and legal departments wouldn't allow them to make testing and treatment mandatory, so it had to implement a voluntary program. Unfortunately, only five drivers took part. Dave said,many still fear they'll lose their commercial licence if diagnosed with apnea...Of the five volunteers, all were diagnosed with sleep apnea and are now using CPAP treatment (the 'hose over the nose' machine you've undoubtedly seen).The five drivers are reportedly happier, healthier drivers. In the 12 months preceding the program, those drivers were involved in two accidents. In the 12 months following treatment, they're accident-free... Now, that's a small sample size. But consider this: Schneider National conducted a sleep apnea treatment program on its US drivers. It realized: a 57% reduction in medical expenses; a 91% reduction in hospital admissions; a 30% reduction in preventable accidents; and a $539 savings per driver each month in health care costs...(Photo: Sleep Apnea treatment)
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