User-agent: Mediapartners-Google* Disallow: Trucks World News: TRUCKERS' HEALTH * USA - FMCSA’s Ferro: Addressing apnea part of ‘silver buckshot’ approach

May 20, 2010

TRUCKERS' HEALTH * USA - FMCSA’s Ferro: Addressing apnea part of ‘silver buckshot’ approach

Washington,DC,USA -Land Line Magazine -May 18, 2010: -- FMCSA Administrator, Anne Ferro, doesn’t see treating sleep apnea as being the silver bullet to improving highway safety among commercial drivers... But she believes it could be part of a “silver buckshot” approach as FMCSA looks at sleep apnea as one of several possible culprits among highway crash causes. Ferro said that apnea screening, testing and treatment should be affordable and implementable... Ferro said the industry needs to do three things: Raise the bar for those entering the industry, ensure those within the industry maintain a high standard to remain in trucking; and “we need to make sure that law enforcement, our own inspectors, and employers have the tools they need to get a high-risk operator with high-risk behaviors off the road”...



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