ALTERNATIVE FUEL DEBATE * USA - Truckers chafe at alternative fuel mandates
Alternative fuels may someday go mainstream, but truckers want to make the shift on their terms, not the government's
New York,NY,USA -DC Velocity, by Mark B. Solomon -9 March 2010: -- If market potential were a yardstick for commercial success, then alternative fuels like biodiesel and natural gas would be a sure-fire winner. After all, who could argue with energy sources that can be indigenously made from readily available materials, and, depending on the fuel, could be less expensive than the traditional diesel fuel that powers the nation's heavy-duty trucks?... Well, for one, the trucking industry might raise an objection... Biodiesel has some drawbacks, truckers say. It causes performance problems in cold weather, and its 9 percent lower energy content compared with diesel means a truck must consume more biodiesel than it would traditional diesel to generate the equivalent amount of energy, the ATA argues. For example, a trucker would have to burn 11 gallons of biodiesel to generate the same energy as 10 gallons of petroleum-based diesel... In the eyes of the trucking industry, the Oorja example is the future of the interaction between truckers and alternative fuels, where consumption decisions are driven not by government fiat but by private-sector innovation and fleet-planning initiatives... But Moskowitz of ATA sees a different future. "The penetration of alternative fuels in our industry will be driven largely by government action, either through tax credits or through mandates," he says...
* Study finds alternatives must be more than just ‘green’
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