Portland,OR,USA -Fleet Owner, by Wendy Leavitt -26 Feb 2010: -- Oregon officials are investigating Texas-based Mesilla Valley Transportation to determine if the carrier took unfair advantage of the state’s Business Energy Tax Credit (BETC) program, which is intended to assist companies that provide jobs in Oregon, generate “substantial energy savings,” and operate vehicles on state highways... The Oregonian newspaper broke the story earlier this week, citing investigations of its own into the fleet’s operations... Report stated that Mesilla (which currently lists 817 trucks as Oregon- based) received final approval for 752 separate tax credits between 2007 and 2009, worth some $4.5 million. The credits were used to help outfit its truck fleet with fuel-saving devices; they represent two-thirds of the total tax incentives awarded for trucks during that period. The real sticking point, according to the newspaper, is the fleet apparently operates “only a tiny fraction” of their total miles in Oregon... The newspaper also called into question the role of Cascade Sierra Solutions (CSS), which helped Mesilla access the tax credits to finance the vehicle upgrades. Both Mesilla and CSS have stated that they operated within program guidelines... (Photo from m-v-t.: used trucks)
Labels: trucking industry news USA
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