Highway Safety Plan * USA - Driver behaviour should be top priority for
Arlington,VA,USA -Truck News (CAN) -8 Jan 2009: --The American Trucking Associations (ATA)has askedthe National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) to make driver behaviour its top safety priority in its 2010-2015 Strategic Plan...ATA outlined the dangers of distracted driving, speeding and aggressive driving, noting in particular the problem that highway congestion presents for these behaviours.To combat driver-related safety risks, ATA called for more consistent and uniform requirements from state to state on driver licensing and graduated driver licensing for non-commercial teen drivers... The ATA also recommended reinstating a national maximum speed limit of 65 mph for all vehicles and electronically governing the speed of all Class 7 and 8 trucks manufactured after 1992 to 65 mph or less. ATA recommended that states should also consider the use of speed limiters on the passenger vehicles of drivers with certain driving convictions...
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