User-agent: Mediapartners-Google* Disallow: Trucks World News: FocusDriven Group * USA - To Combat Cellphone Use While Driving

Jan 22, 2010

FocusDriven Group * USA - To Combat Cellphone Use While Driving

Washington,DC,USA -The Washington Post -January 13, 2010: -- National Safety Council study show 28% of vehicle crashes happen during cellphone use. Includes talking (1.4M annually) or sending text messages (200K annually)... 120+ studies of cellphone use suggest hands-free doesn't eliminate distraction...

(Photo from jimadler: texting while driving)
FocusDriven group created patterned after Mothers Against Drunk Driving... Persuading people to break cellphone use while driving habit could be difficult... Enforcement of a texting ban requires officers to observe an act in driver lap. Hands-free devices make it possible to talk on cellphones w/o being observed...



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