Truckers Fatigue * Australia - Industry wins on demerit points as changes announced
Sydney,NSW,Australia -ATN, by Brad Gardner-December 1, 2009:-- Drivers slugged with demerit points for fatigue management offences in NSW will have them removed, as the Rees Government announces plans to change fatigue regulations... In a rebuff to the Roads and Traffic Authority (RTA), Assistant Transport Minister David Borger saysmany drivers penalised for breaches were trying their best to comply with the regime introduced in September last year... The RTA has been directed to send individual letters to all truck drivers who received demerit points to inform them they will be removed, while the industry will now have until January 1 before demerit points are imposed for offences... Those who lost their licence as a result of demerit points will also be free to get back behind the wheel of a truck...
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